PLEASE NOTE: Orders 12/3/24-12/8/24 will ship 12/9/24. Apologies for the inconvenience - I'll be in Texas for a quilty event.
PLEASE NOTE: Orders 12/3/24-12/8/24 will ship 12/9/24. Apologies for the inconvenience - I'll be in Texas for a quilty event.
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Triangle Shuffle - Digital Download Pattern
Triangle Shuffle - Digital Download Pattern
Triangle Shuffle - Digital Download Pattern
Carolina Moore

Triangle Shuffle - Digital Download Pattern

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Regular price $12.00 $12.00 Unit price per
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This easy-to-make quilt doesn't need a lot to make. Start with 6 fat quarters and 2 yards of background fabric, add the Non-Slip Multi-Size 45°/90° Triangle for Making Half & Quarter-Square Triangles from Strips and a dose of serendipity to make the Triangle Shuffle quilt! As part of the process, you shuffle up the blocks to randomize the order of the fabrics and the blocks - this means that every Triangle Shuffle quilt comes out as unique as a fingerprint.

The 45°/90° ruler is easy to use! Watch the video to learn how:

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