Add a Quarter Ruler
Add a Quarter Ruler

Add a Quarter Ruler

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Regular price $19.00 $19.00 Unit price per
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Designed for Foundation Paper Piecing, the specially designed lip on this ruler automatically allows 1/4 inch seam allowance to any angle for your rotary cutter. Make beautiful foundation paper pieced designs when you trim your pieces with this specialty ruler. The full 12" length of this ruler is perfect for larger designs and full-sized blocks.

- Tapered edge to fold back foundation.
- Wider for easier handling.
- Use one tool for straight edge and for trimming 1/4" seam allowance.
- Paper piece faster with less motion.

  • Color: Yellow
  • Made of: Plastic
  • Use: Ruler
  • Size: 12in
  • Included: One Ruler

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