PLEASE NOTE: Orders 12/3/24-12/8/24 will ship 12/9/24. Apologies for the inconvenience - I'll be in Texas for a quilty event.
PLEASE NOTE: Orders 12/3/24-12/8/24 will ship 12/9/24. Apologies for the inconvenience - I'll be in Texas for a quilty event.
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Pie Cozy - Digital Download
Carolina Moore

Pie Cozy - Digital Download

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You will need the Boxed Bag Template to complete this pattern.

Add a little flair to a homemade pie, or dress up a store-bought pie with a pie cozy you made yourself! Use fun fabrics and some InsulBright (or batting) to complete. A fun project for both beginners and experienced quilters, and makes a great class!

This is a digital pattern. The finished Pie Cozy measures about 10" x 10" and fits a standard 9" pie dish.

Purchase the Boxed Bag Template here.

Here are links to all 12 of the PDF patterns:

Cell Phone Stand
Simple Basket
Bowl Cozy
Canvas Tote
Wine Bag
Draw String Bag
Sewing Machine Cover
Gift Bag
Roomy Stocking
Casserole Cozy
Ice Cream Cozy
Pie Cozy

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