Foundation Piecing Water Pen
Foundation Piecing Water Pen
Foundation Piecing Water Pen
Carolina Moore

Foundation Piecing Water Pen

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Regular price $21.00 $21.00 Unit price per
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Foundation Piecing Water Pens are back in stock and have a new look - an imprint on the barrel rather than the previous sticker.

Now it is easy to remove the papers from your Foundation Paper Piecing! Simply Fill the Foundation Paper Piecing Water Pen's refillable reservoir with water, then run the brush tip along your seam lines. Allow the water to penetrate the paper, loosening the paper fibers, and then easily tear off your papers!

The tip releases only a small amount of water along the seam line, which keeps the pen from soaking your fabric with water. It also keeps the water right where you need it - right at the seam line.

Each package comes with two Foundation Paper Piecing Water Pens - one to keep by the sewing machine, and one to keep by your favorite chair for tearing out papers (or in your class bag to take to classes). Pens can be refilled with water over and over for repeated use.

Also works great for removing triangle paper when piecing Half-Square-Triangles.


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