Sewing Perfect Little Bags and Totes
Carolina Moore

Sewing Perfect Little Bags and Totes

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Whether you have been sewing for years or are looking for an entry point to learn how to sew, Sewing Perfect Little Bags and Totes is a must-have guide for any kind of crafter!

Featuring 15 easy-to-make pouch and bag sewing patterns, plus tutorials for various styles and techniques for applying straps, pockets, and hardware, have a blast mixing and matching to sew all kinds of bags! From a simple clutch to an organizational tote or even a reusable gift bag, this guide will show you tons of the most common techniques used in bag making to build your sewing skills!

Each of the 15 projects in this 96 page book focuses on a different skill or technique in bag making. You'll make a finished project, and learn a bag making skill! Learn how to insert a zipper, add a pocket, add a variety of different handle types, use different materials, and more! Your go-to bag making guide!

Recommended tools for bag makers include:

Boxed Bag Template
Purse Handle Pins for 3D Sewing


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