PLEASE NOTE: Orders 12/3/24-12/8/24 will ship 12/9/24. Apologies for the inconvenience - I'll be in Texas for a quilty event.
PLEASE NOTE: Orders 12/3/24-12/8/24 will ship 12/9/24. Apologies for the inconvenience - I'll be in Texas for a quilty event.
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Scales Quilt - Printed Copy
Carolina Moore

Scales Quilt - Printed Copy

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Regular price $18.00 $18.00 Unit price per
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Note: This pattern and all items ordered with it will not ship until 5/10/24.

Using just 2 fabrics, the scales quilt is simple enough for a confident beginner. The scales can represent Mermaid Scales, Dragon Scales, Snake Scales, Fish Scales... whatever creature's scales are best represented as a quilt, this is the pattern for you!

This pattern is written for use with the Diamond Strip Ruler.

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