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PLEASE NOTE: The order deadline for shipping by December 25th is 12/15/24. All shipping will be paused 12/24/24-1/3/25 as I focus on a Book Deadline.
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13" Scrap Tape

13" Scrap Tape

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Regular price $73.00 $73.00 Unit price per
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Scrap Tape is an ingenious way to use your scraps! Simply stitch-and-flip your scraps onto the 13" wide stabilizer and trim to turn scraps into usable fabric strips! These strips can be used on quilt projects, as sashing, or stitched together to make a larger piece of "made" fabric. When you're ready to use your scrap tape, no need to tear out tiny pieces of paper because the scrap tape is water soluble and easily rinses away in water.

This roll is 13" wide, and 10 yards long.

See how simple it is to use Scrap Tape by watching this video. The video features 2 1/2" scrap tape, which is less wide:

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