PLEASE NOTE: Orders 12/3/24-12/8/24 will ship 12/9/24. Apologies for the inconvenience - I'll be in Texas for a quilty event.
PLEASE NOTE: Orders 12/3/24-12/8/24 will ship 12/9/24. Apologies for the inconvenience - I'll be in Texas for a quilty event.
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Flap Top Bag (Printed Copy)
Carolina Moore

Flap Top Bag (Printed Copy)

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Regular price $4.00 $4.00 Unit price per
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Pre-order: This item is expected to ship 5/27/24.

This fun bag uses no buttons, zippers or snaps, and is quick and easy to make. Two fat quarters will make two bags.

You will need the Boxed Bag Template or Mini Boxed Bag Template to complete this pattern.

Finished Size Approx. 7.5" x 5.5" x 3"

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